Marine Phytoplankton for Pets, its Here!
Marine Phytoplankton for Pets Introducing – ‘MyPlankton™ 4 Paws Plus+’ - Marine Phytoplankton for Pets MyPlankton Australia is very pleased to announce the launch of our new Marine Phytoplankton for Pets wholefood product designed specifically for our beloved animals. After many requests from our loyal customers for a Phytoplankton product for our dogs, cats and various animals we are so happy to announce we can now deliver… ‘MyPlankton™ 4 Paws Plus+’ – a nutritional super-antioxidant wholefood – containing Australian Marine Phytoplankton, our oceans very own ‘SUPERfood!’ Marine Phytoplankton is identified as the basis of the ocean food chain, embracing nutrition as Mother Nature [...]