23 04, 2011

Phytoplankton Facts

2011-04-23T06:27:58+10:00April 23rd, 2011|

Phytoplankton Facts Marine phytoplankton are one-cell plants that are too small to be seen individually without the aid of a microscope. These amazing plants contain more than 50 nutrients vital for a healthy body. Some of these nutrients are: Vitamin C Vitamin E B-complex Antioxidants (glutathione) Minerals (calcium, cobalt, boron and copper) Enzymes Co-enzymes Often called superfood, they produce oxygen efficiently, and it absorbs into human cells quickly when prepared correctly. Incredible Phytoplankton Facts Microscopic marine phytoplankton plants live in the surface layer of lakes, oceans or other water because they get energy through photosynthesis and need the light available [...]

23 04, 2011

Why Should I Use Marine Phytoplankton?

2018-12-12T02:00:41+10:00April 23rd, 2011|

Background of Nutrition in Today's Food Supply Why Should I Use Marine Phytoplankton. We are each responsible for keeping our own bodies healthy by eating nutritious foods and avoiding unwholesome eating habits. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to obtain foods that contain sufficient levels of nutrition. Because current farming practices have led to the depletion of minerals in the soil, the food produced on our land contains less nutritional value than it did years ago. When animals eat this food with less nutrition, they in turn do not receive the health benefits they should, so we do not get as [...]


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